
How To Grow Your Skills

We believe in satisfying our partners , volunteers and donors with the work we do . We provide transparency to the donors , so they have confidence in us that we are using their money in a good cause and is not wasted in other cause . We being a big organization may have some fatal and problems in our working , and may not even meet the expectation of our family , so to over come all these we have created a place for everyone so we can interact and share our views on a platform..

When did we start?

Founded in June 2009, the Indian Livestock Farm is started with a dream to use the available resources of the desert and provide a self-dependent respectful life for the rural people. It is a kind of cooperative organization, where the owners not only provide the business opportunity to rural population of the local villagers but guide them to breed the best livestock to get maximum possible benefits from the limited resources.

The company is headed by a group of professionals who are in farming sector from last few years and working on some livestock projects in the local villages.

What we do?

Indian Livestock Farm is your one stop resource for news, articles and listings for goat farming industries, including a variety of goat farming opportunities in the livestock farm industry. We provide valuable information about the world of goat farm business to help you make a well-informed decision when deciding to buy and start goat farming.

Once your new businesses are off and running, stay up-to-date with our news articles, advice for goat farming and other resources. When buy and sell a goats and goat related products, the number one goal of Indian Livestock Farm is helping you find buyers and sellers of goat and goat related products in your nearest area in India and Other part of World.

Why we're different?

In addition to our clients, large numbers of people from the farmer’s community interact with our website, for example we have: